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Both pets and people are known to track unwanted dirt into our homes. Place a "Welcome" or entry mat inside each door your family uses. Daily, or as needed, simply shake the mat outside to keep floors cleaner between vacuuming.
Where does clutter accumulate in your home? An entry table? An unused chair? Consider removing these clutter-attracting hot-spots so you won't be tempted to pile on the mess. With clutter areas eliminated, you'll be more likely to put items away as needed.
Designate one area of your home where daily items should live—car keys, mail, coupons, lists, messages, etc. Fill this area with appropriate organizational and storage containers to keep things neat. By establishing one place for daily clutter, other areas of your home will stay tidier longer.
Dirty air conditioning and furnace filters are major culprits when it comes to dust accumulation. By replacing these filters regularly, you'll not only improve indoor air quality—you'll also greatly reduce the amount of dust on your home's surfaces.
Accumulated items not only get in our physical way, they get in the way of enjoying our homes. During "Spring Cleaning" and again at New Years, take time to cut the clutter from your life. Divide rarely used items into "trash", "donate", "sell", and "find a home" piles. Evaluate the items you wish to keep in your "find a home" pile and give them a place to "live" in your home. If you can't think of a permanent holding place for the item, consider if it is truly worth keeping. You'll be amazed how this twice yearly ritual can improve your quality of living!